Daniel K Sheffler 1834

February 19, 2005

Daniel K. Sheffler 1834 - 1 June 1864

Daniel married and fathered a daughter before being killed in the Civil War.

Daniel K. Sheffler was the oldest of twelve children born to Samuel C. Sheffler and Hannah Elizabeth Slife Sheffler.

He married Eleanor (Ellen) Wright, the fifth child of eleven born to Daniel Wright and Nancy Jones Wright.

Daniel and Eleanor's daughter Elizabeth Sheffler was born 5 December 1863, and not 3 months later Daniel went to war as part of Company I, 11th PA Infantry. In his same company were his cousins Noah Sheffler (son of his Uncle Frederick) and Uriah Sheffler (son of his Uncle John).

Daniel was wounded on 4 May 1864 in the Battle of the Wilderness, and taken prisoner. He died of his wounds on 1 June 1864.

Widowed Eleanor later remarried a William Abraham Horne, and Elizabeth Sheffler when grown married Samuel Hunter Jamison.